Everything in the Known Universe and then some

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Alright, it's the buttons !

The WSJ has a story on how Steve (the Jobs) hates buttons, sort of which relates to my last post, on at least one product they sold more when they added buttons.

When functionality demands buttons, you need them, when their absence makes something simple to use, off they should go.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

It's the Keyboard

Hmm, not so many Iphone sales so far, just 146,000 and counting from Apple's latest sales results.

That number is far lower than what everybody has been bandying about at 500,000 and so on. Which sets me wondering, is it the AT&T glitches that are preventing mass adoption or it is something else, like maybe the lack of a keyboard.

If you compared the Iphone to the original Palm or Handspring, which died out after 1-2 years of hype and hoopla, the one thing that strikes me is the common lack of keyboard.Yeah sure the Treo got a keyboard and went on to win some market share.

Compare that with the blackberry, which always had a full fledged keyboard and got rapped for blackberryitis and crackberry ism's.

Or the Nokia Communicator/E90, the business community, professionals who have to stay in touch and email have to have keyboards, all the reviews thta i have read berate the Iphone on this one point, that you can't even type in a to-do list properly.

Unless there is an external attachment or a slidable keyboard on the Iphone, i guess it'll be useful to show off and watch pretty pictures. Not for Corporate use.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

“From those to whom much is given, much is expected.”

Just read Bill gates Harvard Address here.


Have been following this GTD craze and there is an excellent post by Marc Andressen on this that is worth reading here

I have been searching for the best tool and found two that seem to fit the bill. Will keep testing or it's back to pen and paper.

1. http://whatsnextapp.com/ - This is an offline page that runs in your browser and seems really organized. Uses Ruby to run so it's shiny too.

2. Zulupad is a better alternative, but if you're used to working in the browser, Whats Next is better, Zulupad is more of a notepad, wherein you can write anything, and once you make a link of something, it shows up automatically no matter where you type it again in Zulupad, really useful to keep track of associated things or to figure out how things are related to.

Monday, July 02, 2007

So much for the Iphone Hoopla

I'm not buying an IPhone, oh so does this make it one of those clever articles that have nothing new to say, and therefore try and attract attention saying i'm not going to buy the newest shiniest thing out.

Nopes, thats not the strategy here, reason is i can't buy an Iphone because:

1.) It's not available where i live - India, there are rumours floating about that it will be launched after about 6 months, which is great if that happens

2.) It might be available in the grey market for a dubious premium, but then i'm not that rich and spoilt. Hey i might not be able to afford one even if it were legally available.

3.) The most important reason is that it would fail the Child proof test, my trusty Nokia 3105 has survived one hurl a day from my kid and sundry other falls, and still works as good a new. This is the one reason i really can't buy a new phone until my kid is grown up enough to ask for one.

Also when are they launching games for the Iphone, with that screen resolution, it might compete with the PSP too. Saying which the PSP now costs just Rs.9,990 legally in India. But the games still cost a lot. Heck!